Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis is a very common type of eczema that is usually chronic and affects the sebaceous, gland-rich areas such as the scalp, face, and trunk. Dandruff is also seborrheic dermatitis that has not inflamed. Pinkish, flaky patches appear in this condition on the scalp, face and upper trunk.

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Some key aspects are:

It can flare up in Winter, and improve with sun exposure in the summer

There may be a Minimal itch most of the time

A combination of oily and dry mid-facial skin may be more prone

Ill-defined localized scaly patches or diffuse scale in the scalp can be common features 

Scaly red eyelid margins may appear 

Pinkish thin, scaly plaques appear in skin folds 

Certain factors that are associated with the appearance of this condition are:

Oily skin

Family history of seborrhoeic dermatitis or psoriasis.

Immunosuppression: organ transplant recipient, human immunodeficiency virus infection and patients with lymphoma)

Neurological and psychiatric diseases: Parkinson disease, tardive dyskinesia, depression, epilepsy, facial nerve palsy, spinal cord injury, and congenital disorders 

Lack of sleep, and stress


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