Our Skin Care Services
Skin can be made even more beautiful when you choose the right treatment for it. When you have a skin concern that is easily seen, you can lose the charm. Bring it back using the Dermaroller treatment. Be beautiful and choose the right treatment for you!! Our dermaroller is here to make your skin look fabulous! Book your treatment now!
How It Works
When the dermolar is rolled on the skin, small, fine needles on the roller puncture the skin
The needles that make needles in the skin are small and are considered superficial. For this reason, treatment is not seen as invasive.
When the skin is punctured, it produces a controlled skin injury. It does not cause actual damage to the outer layer of skin. The needle helps break down any scar tissue.

Regular skin maintenance is no joke! However; we at Akiya, focus on skin treatments that are proven, tried and tested. Microplasma is one such example that will make your skin shine brighter than the sun. Yes! You can get rid of that darker complexion and can make your skin brighter and smoother with this treatment! Hurry up! Book your treatment now!
Treatment of mycoplasma infection:
Antibiotics such as erythromycin, clarithromycin or azithromycin are effective treatment. However, because mycoplasma infection usually resolves on its own, antibiotic treatment of mild symptoms is not always necessary.

Scars and stretch marks don’t just leave a mark on our skin, they also impact our personalities. Most people associate scars with a lot of negativity which can interfere with a happy daily life! Pix-a-fix aims to help those who want to be identified by more than just their scars. Get the bestest personality ever with our pix-a-fix treatment and get rid of those scars that don’t allow you to go out!
Flawless, scar free and happy skin
Our most effective treatment for scars and stretch marks. Also, one of our only lasers with downtime. For patients who can tolerate downtime, it is also the best treatment for rejuvenation. Treatment requires numbness and an ablative laser is used to target acne scars, scars, stretch marks, rejuvenation, lip lighting, dark circles, etc.

Liquid Gold Restoration Therapy
TLiquid Gold Restoration Therapy is a versatile treatment for under eye or to facilitate hair growth. It helps accentuate the right features of your face to make you look glam as ever! So, don’t delay with your glam to be shown, go for our liquid gold restoration therapy and achieve the dream you always wanted.
Ideal treatment for:
> Tired and dry skin
> Uneven skin tone
> Wrinkles and lines on the neck and décolletage
> Lax skin
> Dark circles around the eyes
> Hair thinning
> Hand rejuvenation

Akiya Aesthetics: Ghaziabad Skin Clinic
At Akiya Aesthetics Ghaziabad skin clinic, our mission is to provide a high level of innovative skin care services. Each treatment is unique to you and customized for your skin, to help you achieve and maintain your healthiest possible skin.
We are committed to advancements in the procedures & we offer the highest quality services for our clients. Over the course of our relationship we will help you to create and maintain a radiant complexion. Through regular visits to our clinic we will guide you every step of your tailor made skincare routine, offering advice and support as your skin goes through the different phases on the road to recovery.
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Akiya Aesthetics provides a wide range of comprehensive and successful anti-aging treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, fillers, vampire facials, transformacials, etc. Each of these treatments has a very specific purpose and has proven to be very successful whenever they are performed.
Akiya Aesthetics reigns as the best skin clinic in Ghaziabad due to its hard-working and expert staff, along with its well-designed and efficient infrastructure that has been set up so that all procedures can be carried out safely and quickly.
Akiya Aesthetics, as the best skin clinic in Ghaziabad, never relegated any unnecessary or wrong medical advice to any client. Anyone coming to the center can rest assured that all the medical advice given at the clinic is completely genuine. No one at the clinic will lead them astray when it comes to skin care.
The biggest proof regarding the success and the virtues of Akiya Aesthetics is the raving reviews that it gets from all of its satisfied clientele and the new clients that are referred to the clinic by those satisfied and happy clients

Dr.Rupika Singh
Dr.Rupika Singh Ghaziabad skin clinic, The founder of Akiya Aesthetics, (Fellow in Dermatologic Laser Surgery Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok, and American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine) is a qualified Dermatologist (M.D.) from Manipal. She has consistently undertaken trainings whenever and wherever the opportunity has arisen so as to keep abreast of the latest developments and trends in her field. Belonging to a rich lineage of doctors, she is determined to carry forth the best medical traditions.
Get AppointmentHappy Patients
“ After going to Akiya Aesthetics Skin clinic in Ghaziabad, I feel like I have become much younger. I went there for anti-aging treatment, and the skin doctor suggested a transformation to me. After getting the treatment, I couldn't even recognize myself for a second. My friends and family couldn't stop complimenting me. I would totally recommend it to everyone. “
“ Akiya Aesthetics is the best skin clinic in Ghaziabad. I am very grateful to have come here and experienced it for myself. I had a Clear Lift 4D procedure here, and my skin became so soft and lustrous that it made me feel like I was 30 again. “
“ Dr. Rupika Singh, at Akiya Clinic, is the best skin doctor in Ghaziabad. Under her guidance, the place has become the best skin clinic in Ghaziabad. The staff is extremely hard working, and I am in awe of the miracles they have achieved here.
“ Akiya Aesthetics is the best skin clinic in Ghaziabad. Sometimes it feels like they have turned back time on me and made me much younger instead of just revitalizing my skin and providing it with a radiant glow. “

Rajat Verma

Sweta Sharma

Mrs. Vanita