About Akiya
We are a premium skincare clinic with expertise in skin treatments that are backed by scientific research. Our skincare treatments and procedures have been successfully proven over the years. We take pride in our holistic approach that follows a 360 degrees skincare system. When our clients come to us for their skincare ailments, we believe in treating them holistically. By educating our clients, we help them discover skincare that works! Elevate your skincare journey with Akiya Aesthetics (Defence Colony, Delhi & Rajnagar, Ghaziabad) – Where science meets beauty for a radiant and confident you.
Dr.Rupika Singh
Dr.Rupika Singh, founder of Akiya Aesthetics, (Fellow in Dermatologic Laser Surgery Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok, and American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine) is a qualified Dermatologist (M.D.) from Manipal. She has consistently undertaken training whenever and wherever the opportunity has arisen so as to keep abreast of the latest developments and trends in her field. Belonging to a rich lineage of doctors, she is determined to carry forth the best medical traditions.
Welcome to Akiya Aesthetics!